Ar-Ge Çalışmaları
1. Makaleler
1.1 Uluslararası Makaleler
- Demer, S., Memiş, Ü. and Özgür, N., 2010, Water quality system in Isparta and environs, SW Turkey: in: Birkle, P. and Torres-Alvaredo, I.: Internat. 13th Symp. on Water-Rock Interaction (WRI-13), August 16-20 2010, Guanajuato, Mexico, p. 371-374.
- Demer, S., Memiş, Ü. and Özgür, N., 2010. Investigation of drinking water quality in Isparta, SW-Turkey. Acta Geographica Debrecina Landscape & Environment Series, 4 (1), 71-82, ISSN 1789-7556.
- Demer (Altınkale), S., Memiş, Ü. ve Özgür, N., 2012. Asit maden drenaj sularının hidrojeokimyası ve çevresel etkileri. Küreselleşme ile ilgili olağanüstü hallere karşı mücadelenin çağdaş sorunları-uluslararası bilimsel pratik konferans. Azerbaycan Mimarlık ve İnşaat Üniversitesi ve Fövgal Derneği, 30-31 Mayıs 2012, Bakü-Azerbaycan, 51-54.
- Demer, S., Memiş, Ü., and Özgür, N., 2013. Investigaton of hydrogeochemical properties of the Hüdai (Afyon-Sandıklı) geothermal systems, SW Turkey. J. Earth Syst. Sci., 122, 4, pp. 1081–1089.
- Özgür, N. and Demer, S., 2007, Active and fossil geothermal systems in the continental rift zones of the Menderes Massif, Western Anatolia, Turkey: Internat. 12th Symp. on Water-Rock Interaction (WRI-12), Kumming, Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti, 31 Temmuz- 5 Ağustos 2007, 12 (vol.; 1), p. 241-244
- Özgür, N., 2010, Hydrogeological, Hydrogeochemical and Isotope Geochemical Modeling of the Thermal Waters in the Continental Rift Zones of the Menderes Massif, Western Anatolia, Turkey. Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2010 Bali, Indonesia, 25-29 April 2010.
- Özgür, N., 2010, A new genetical copper deposit model from the East Pontic metallotect, NE Turkey: the Murgul type. Proc. 13th Water-Rock Interaction Symposium, Guanojuato. P. 215-218.
- Özgür, N., 2013, Hydrogeological, hydrogeochemical and isotope geochemical modeling of the thermal waters of the Menderes Massif, Western Anatolia, Turkey. PROCEEDINGS, Thirty-Eighth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 11-13, 2013 SGP-TR-198
- Özgür, N. and Çalışkan, T. A., 2013, Active geothermal systems in the Menderes Massif, Western Anatolia, Turkey. Proc. 14th International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction, 9-13 June 2013; Avignon/France,
- Özgür, N. and Çalışkan, T. A., 2014, Reservoirs and Reinjection of the Thermal waters of Kızıldere, Western Anatolia, Turkey. PROCEEDINGS, Thirty-Ninth Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering Stanford University, Stanford, California, February 24-26, 2014 SGP-TR-202
- Elitok, o., Ozgür N., Drüppel , K., Dilek, Y., Platevoet, B., Guillov, H., Poisson., Satır, M., Siebel , W., Yılmaz, K., Bardintzeeff, J.M. and Deniel, C., 2010, Origin and geodynamic evolution of late cenezoic alkali potassium rich series within Isparta Area , SW Turkey .International Geology Review 52, p.454-504
- Moon, C.J., Gotsiridze, G., Gugushvili, V., Kekelia, M., Kekelia, S., Migineishvili, R., Otkhmezuri, Z. and Özgür, N., 2001, Comparison of mineral deposits between Georgian and Turkish sectors of the Tethyan metallogenic belt: in: Piestrzynski, A. (ed.): Proc. 6th Biennial SGA Meeting – Mineral Deposits at the Beginning of the 21st Century, Krakow, Poland, 26-29 August 2001, p. 309-312.
- Möller. P., Dulski, P. and Özgür, N., 2008, Partitioning of rare earths and some major elements in the Kızıldere geothermal field, Turkey: Geothermics, p. 132-156.
- Özgür, N., 2004, Active geothermal systems in the continental rift zone of the Büyük Menderes, Western Anatolia, Turkey: 32nd International Geological Congress, Florance, Italy, 20-28 August, 2004 (accepted).
- Özgür, N., Yaman, D., Wolf, M. and Stichler, W., 2004, High boron contents of the Kızıldere geothermal waters, Turkey: 11th Internat. Symp. on Water-Rock Interaction, Saratoga Springs, New York, USA, 27 June - 02 July 2004, vol.2, p.1605-1608.
- Özgür, N., Graf, W., Stichler, W., and Wolf, M., 2004, Origin of the high sulfate contents in thermal waters of Kizildere and environs, Western Anatolia, Turkey: Internat. Symp. on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, Thessaloniki, Greece, 14-20 April, 2004, vol.3, p.1306-1309.
- Özgür, N., 2003, Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits (VMSD) in the East Pontic metallotect, NE Turkey: Proc. 7th Biennial SGA Meeting, Athens, Greece, 24-28 August, 2003, p. 1217-1220.
- Özgür, N., 2003 Active and fossil geothermal systems in the continental rift zones of the Menderes Massif, Western Anatolia, Turkey : Proc. 7th Biennial SGA Meeting, Athens, Greece, 24-28 August, 2003, p.515-518.
- Özgür, N., 2003 Active geothermal systems in the rift zone of the Büyük Menderes, Western Anatolia, Turkey: European Geothermal Conference, Szeged, Hungary. western Anatolia, Turkey:
- Özgür, N., 2002, Geochemical signature of the Kizildere geothermal field, Western Anatolia, Turkey: International Geology Review 44, p. 153-163.
- Özgür, N., 2001, Origin of the high boron contents in the thermal waters of the rift zones of the Menderes Massif, Western Anatolia, Turkey: International Geology Review 43, p. 910-920.
- Özgür, N., 2001, Fossil geothermal systems in the continental rift zone of the Küçük Menderes within the Menderes Massif, Western Anatolia, Turkey: Proc. 10th Internat. Symp. on Water-Rock Interaction, Villasimius, Italy, June 10-15, 2001, p. 737-740.
- Özgür, N., 1999, Active and extinct geothermal systems in the continental rift zones of the Menderes Massif, Western Anatolia, Turkey: in: Stanley et al. (eds.): Proc. 5th Biennial SGA Meeting and 10th Quadrennial IAGOD Symposium: Mineral Deposits: Processes to Processing, 22-25 August 1999, London, UK , p. 559-562.
- Özgür, N., Vogel, M., and Pekdeger, A., 1998, A new type of hydrothermal alteration of the Kizildere geothermal field in the rift zone of the Büyük Menderes, western Anatolia, Turkey: in: Arehart, G.B. and Hulston, J.R. (eds.): Proc. Internat. 9th Symp. on Water-Rock Interaction, Taupo, New Zealand, 30 March – 3 April 1998, p. 679-682.
- Özgür, N., Pekdeger, A., Wolf, M., Stichler, W., Seiler, K.-P. and Satir, M., 1998, Hydrogeochemical and isotope geochemical features of the thermal waters of Kizildere, Salavatli, and Germencik in the rift zone of the Büyük Menderes, western Anatolia, Turkey: preliminary studies: in: Arehart, G.B. and Hulston, J.R. (eds.): Proc. Internat. 9th Symp. on Water-Rock Interaction, Taupo, New Zealand, 30 March – 3 April 1998, p. 645-648.
- Özgür, N., Halbach, P., Pekdeger, A., Sönmez, N., Dora, O.Ö., Ma, D.-S., Wolf, M. and Stichler, W., 1997, Epithermal antimony, mercury, and gold deposits in the rift zone of the Kücük Menderes, Western Anatolia, Turkey: preliminary studies: in: Papunen, H. (ed.): Mineral Deposits: Research and Exploration – Where do They Meet?: Proc. 4th Biennnial SGA Meeting, Turku, Finland, August 11-13, 1997, p. 269-273.
- Özgür, N., and Pekdeger, A., 1995, Active geothermal systems in the rift zones of the Menderes Massif, western Anatolia, Turkey: in: Kharaka, Y. K. and Chudaev, O. V. (eds.): Proc. Internat. 8th Symp. on Water-Rock Interaction, Vladivostok/Russia, p. 529-532.
- Özgür, N. and Pekdeger, A., 1994, Aktive und fossile Geothermalsysteme in den kontinentalen Riftzonen des Menderes-Massives, W-Anatolien/Türkei: in: Germann, K., Lehmann, B., and List, F.K. (Hrsg.): Festschrift zum 70. Geburtstag von Professor Dr. Hans-Jochen Schneider: Berliner geowiss. Abh., (A), 167, p. 131-139.
- Özgür, N., 1993, Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits in the East Pontic metallotect, NE Turkey: Resource Geology Special Issue 16, p. 181-185
- Özgür, N., 1993, Massive sulfide deposits in the East Pontic metallogenic Province, NE Turkey: in: Hach-Ali, F., Torres-Ruiz, J. and Gervilla, F. (eds.): Current Research in Geology Applied to Ore Deposits: Proc. 2nd Biennial SGA Meeting, Granada/Spain, p. 361-364.
- Özgür, N., 1993, Geochemical pathfinder elements of the Murgul copper deposit, NE Turkey: Resource Geology Special Issue 16, p. 164-169.
- Özgür, N., Pekdeger, A., and Schneider, H-J., 1992, High fluorine contents in the Pliocene volcanic rocks of the Gölcük area, Isparta, SW Turkey: Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece XXVIII/2, p. 417-427.
- Özgür, N., 1991, The East Pontic metallotect, NE Turkey: in: Pagel, M. and Leroy, J.L. (eds.): Proc. 25 Years SGA Anniversary Meeting, Nancy/France (Source, Transport and Deposition of Metals), p.103-105.
- Özgür, N., 1991, Gold contents of the Akarsen copper deposit, E-Pontides/Turkey: in: Ladeira, E.A. (ed.): Proc. 5th Internat. Conference (Brazil Gold 91), Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, p. 477-480.
- Özgür, N., Pekdeger, A., Schneider, H.-J. and Bilgin, A., 1990, Pliocene volcanism in the Gölcük area, Isparta/W-Taurides: in: Savascin, M. Y. and Eronat, H. (eds.): Proc. Internat. Earth Sc. Congr. on Aegean Regions, Izmir/Turkey, IESCA Publ. 2, p. 411-419.
- Özgür, N., and Schneider, H.-J., 1988, New metallogenetic aspects concerning the copper deposit of Murgul, NE Turkey: Soc. Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits, Spec. Pub. 6, p. 229-239.
- Pekdeger, A. ve Özgür, N., 1995, Hydrogeochemical investigations of acid drainage water from the antimony mine of Emirli, Western Turkey: in: Kharaka, Y. K. and Chudaev, O. V. (eds.): Proc. Internat. 8th Symp. on Water-Rock Interaction, Vladivostok/Russia, p. 891-893.
- Pekdeger, A., Özgür, N., and Schneider, H-J., 1992, Hydrogeochemistry of fluorine in shallow aqueous systems of the Gölcük area, SW Turkey: Proc. 7th Internat. Symp. on Water-Rock Interaction, Utah, U.S.A., p. 821-824.
- Pekdeger, A., Özgür, N., Schneider, H.-J. and Bilgin, A., 1990, High fluorine contents in aqueous systems of the Gölcük area, Isparta/W-Taurides”, in: Savascin, M. Y. and Eronat, H. (eds.): Proc. Internat. Earth Sc. on Aegean regions, IESCA Publ. 2, p. 160-170.
- Pekdeger, A., Özgür, N., Schneider, H.-J., and Bilgin, A., 1990, High fluorine contents in aqueous systems of the Gölcük area, Isparta/W-Taurides: Internat. Earth Sci. Congress on Aegean regions, 1-6 October 1990, Izmir/Turkey, p. 48-49.
- Platevoet, B., Scaillet, S., Guillou, H., Blamart, D., Nomade, S., Massault, M., Poisson, A., Elitok, Ö., Özgür, N., Yağmurlu, F. and Yılmaz, K., 2008, Pleistocene eruptive chronology of the Gölcük volcano, Isparta Angle, Turkey: Revue Quaternaire, p. 147-156.
- Schneider, H.-J., Özgür, N., and Palacios, C.M., 1988, Relationship between alteration, rare earth element distribution, and mineralization of the Murgul copper deposit, northeastern Turkey: Econ. Geol. 83, p. 1238-1246.
- Tudryn, A., Tucholka, P., Özgür, N., Gibert, E., Elitok, Ö., Kamacı, Z., Massault, M., Poisson, A. and Platevoet, B., 2013, A 2000-year record of environmental change from SW Anatolia, Lake Burdur, Turkey. J. Paleolimnol. 49, p. 647-662.
- Willgallis, A., Özgür, N., and Siegmann, E., 1990, Se- and Te-bearing sulphides in copper ore deposits of Murgul, NE Turkey, Eur. J. Mineral. 2, p. 145-148.
- Zerener, M., Özgür, N. and Elitok, Ö., 2007, A new genetical ore formation model as a transition from Kuroko-type massive sulfide deposits to copper porphyries in the East Pontic metallotect, NE Turkey: Proc. Internat. 12th Symp. on Water-Rock Interaction (WRI-12), Kunming, Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti, 31 Temmuz- 5 Ağustos 2007, 12 (vol.: 1), p. 167-170.
1.2 Ulusal Makaleler
- Demer (Altınkale), S. Özgür, N. and Türk, G., 2009, Göller Bölgesi su kaynaklarının belirlenmesi, değerlendirilmesi ve kalitesinin korunması: Tabiat ve İnsan, 43, p. 7-23.
- Demer, S.,Memiş, Ü. and Özgür, N., 2010, Investigation of drinking water quality in Isparta, SW Turkey: Acta Geographica Debrenica Landscape and Environmental Series, 4(1), p. 71-82, ISSN 1789-7556
- Demer, S. ve Özgür, N., 2010, Isparta ovası su kalitesinin araştırılması: Isparta İli Değerleri ve Değer Yaratma Potansiyeli Sempozyumları, 26 nisan - 3 Mayıs, 2010, p. 382-393, Isparta
- Karagüzel, R., Özgür, N., Ertunç, A., Davraz, A., Stichler, W. and Wolf, M., 1999, Eğirdir ve Burdur göllerinin oluşumu, hidrojeokimyasal ve izotop jeokimyasal karşılaştırılması: ön araştırmalar: Proc. 11th Engineering Weeks, Symp. on Earth Sci., October 20-23, 1999, p. 47-57.
- Kekelina, S., Kekelia, M., Otkhmezuri, Z., Özgür, N. ve Moon, C., 2004. Küçük Kafkaslar ve Doğu Karadeniz Metalojenik kuşağında bulunan demir içermeyen metal yatakları ve bunların volkanojenik sedimanter ardalanmalarında cevher oluşum sistemleri, MTA dergisi, sayı 129, 1-16, Ankara.
- Memiş, Ü., Demer, S. and Özgür, N., 2010, Afyon-sandıklı Hüdai jeotermal sisteminin rezervuar sıcaklığının araştırılması: Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 14-3, p. 293-299.
- Özgür, N., Pekdeger, A. and Schneider, H-J., 1992, Origin of the high fluorine contents in shallow aqueous systems of the Gölcük area, SW Turkey: Yerbilimleri 20, p. 1-8.
- Özgür, N., Pekdeger, A., and Schneider, H-J., 1992, Fluorine in Pliocene volcanic rocks of the Gölcük area, SW Turkey: Yerbilimleri 20, p. 49-55.
- Özgür, N., Pekdeger, A. and Bilgin, A., 1992, Origin of the high fluorine contents in aqueous systems of the Gölcük area, Isparta/W-Taurides: in: Gedikoglu, A., Karagüzel, R. and Görmüs, M. (eds.): Göller Bölgesi Tatli Su Kaynaklarinin Korunmasi ve Cevre Sorunlari Simpozyumu (Spec. Issue) p. 233-249 (in Turkish).
- Özgür, N., Thum, I., and Dieterle, M., 1991, The East Pontic metallotect: Isparta Mühendislik Fakültesi Bull. 5, p. 33-58.
- Özgür, N., 1991, Gold contents of the Akarsen copper deposit, E-Pontides/Turkey: Isparta Mühendislik Fakültesi Bull. 5, p. 59-74.
- Özgür, N., and Palacios, C.M., 1990, Geochemical proximity indicators of the Murgul volcanogenic copper deposit, East Pontic metallogenetic province, NE Turkey: Maden Tetkik ve Arama Enstitüsü Bull. 111, p. 53-64.
- Özgür, N., and Bilgin, A., 1990, Geochemistry, genesis, and economic importance of the Sarikamis/Kars perlite and obsidian: Türkiye Jeomorfologlar Bull. 18, p. 25-38.
- Özgür, N., Demer, S. and Türk, G., 2005, Göller bölgesi su kaynaklarının belirlenmesi, değerlendirilmesi ve kalitesinin korunması: Türkiye Tabiatın Koruma Derneği, Antalya.
- Sahinci, A., and Özgür, N., 1990, Factors controlling the solubility of substances in natural waters: Türkiye Jeomorfologlar Bull. 18, p. 55-61 (in Turkish).
- Şavik, E., Demer, S., Memiş, Ü., Kumbul Doguç, D., Çalışkan, T. A., Sezer, M. T., Gültekin, F. ve Özgür, N., 2012,Isparta ve civarında tüketilen suların içerik ve sağlık açısından değerlendirilmesi. Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi, 19 (3), 92-102.
2. Bildiri ve Posterler
2.1 Uluslararası
- Active geothermal systems in the continental rift zone of the Büyük Menderes, Western Anatolia, Turkey: 32nd Internat. Geol. Congr. , Florence, Italy, August 20-28, 2004 (submitted).
- Bello, O. A., Özgür, N. and Çalışkan, T. A., Hydrogeological, hydrogeochemical and isotope geochemical features of Geothermal waters in Simav and environs, Western Anatolia, Turkey. 15th Water-Rock Interaction International Symposium, WRI-15,16 to 21 October 2016, Evora-Portugal, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science(in press)
- Bortnikova, S.B., Gaskova, O.L., Airijants, A.A. and Özgür, N., 1996, Behaviour of heavy metals in weathering of intermediate sulfide tailings of Dzhida plant (Transbaikal Region)é, V.M. Goldschmidt Conference, March 31 - April 4, 1996, Heidelberg/Germany, vol. 1, p. 71.
- Chatzipetros, A., Yağmurlu, F., Özgür, N., Kamacı, Z., Şentürk, M., Michaillidou, A., Pavlides, M. and Pavlides, S., 2008, Geological indications for active deformation along Fethiye and Gökova faults, SW Turkey: 31st General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, Crete, 7-12 September
- Chatzipetros, A., Pavlides, S., Yagmurlu, F., Özgür, N., Pınar, A., Pınar, A., Kamacı, Z., Şentürk, M., Uysal, K. and Şener, E., 2009, Geological input for quantitative seismic hazard analysis in Burdur area, SW Turkey, Proc. Internat. Eartquake Symposium, 17-19 August 2009, Kocaeli 2009 (submitted).2008.
- Chatzipetros, A., Pavlides, S., Yağmurlu, F., Özgür, N., Kamacı, Z. and Şentürk, M., 2010, Fault-controlled geomorphology and paleoseismology of Fethiye fault and Gulf. Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 12, EGU 2010-9045, EGU General Assembly 2010.
- Çol, A. S., Özgür, N. and Çalışkan, T. A., Origin of gypsum formations in copper deposit of Murgul, NE Turkey. 15th Water-Rock Interaction International Symposium, WRI-15,16 to 21 October 2016, Evora-Portugal, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science(in press)
- Demer, S. ve Özgür, N., 2008, Hydrogeological, hydrogeochemical and isitope geochemical features of groundwater systems in Isparta and environs, SW Turkey: submitted to 33nd International Geological Congress
- Demer, S., Memiş, Ü. and Özgür, N., 2010. Investigation of drinking water quality in Isparta, SW-Turkey: XIX Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Geological Association, 23-26 September 2010, Thessaloniki, Greece, p. 90.
- Elitok, Ö., Platevoet, B., Guillou, H., Scaillet, S., Dilek, Y., Drüppel, K., Poisson, A., Bardintzeff, J.-M., Deniel, C., Nomade, S., Massault, M., Özgür, N. and Yılmaz, K., 2012, Geochemical and geochronological implications of the Gölcük volcano, SW Turkey. International Earth Science Colloquium on the Aegean Region (IESCA-2012), Abstracts, p. 76
- Gedikoglu, A. and Özgür, N., 1992, Massive sulfide deposits in the East Pontic metallotect, NE Turkey: 29th Internat. Geol. Congress, Kyoto/Japan, Vol. 3/3, p. 760.
- Internat. Symp. on Geology and Environment, September 1-5, 1997, Istanbul, p. 58
- Kamacı, Z., Özgür, N., Yağmurlu, F., Sarı, C. Şentürk, M. and Çiftçi, C., 2008, The investigation of Kışla dome structure in southern part of Isparta Angle, SW Turkey: 33nd International Geological Congress, Resumes 33, Oslo.
- Kapucu, S., Özgür, N., Çalışkan, T. A. and Abubakar, I. I., Hydrogeological, hydrogeochemical and isotope geochemical faetures of thermal waters in Kuşadası, Turkey. 15th Water-Rock Interaction International Symposium, WRI-15,16 to 21 October 2016, Evora-Portugal, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science(in press)
- Kasımoğlu, O. M.,Karamanderesi I. H.,Özgür, N., Çalışkan, T. A. and Abubakar, I. I., Modeling of the hydrothermal alteration at the exploration and production well in Ömerbeyli, Germencik, Aydın, Turkey. 15th Water-Rock Interaction International Symposium, WRI-15,16 to 21 October 2016, Evora-Portugal, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science(in press)
- Moon, C.J., Özgür, N., Gotsiridze, G., Gugushvili, V., Kekelia, M., Kekelia, S., Migneishvili, R. and Otkmezuri, Z., 2001, Compiling a metallogenic database of the Pontides: uses and abuses: Transactions- Instution of Mining and Matelurgy, Section B: Applied Earh Science, 11054
- Möller, P., Özgür, N., and Conrad, M.A., 1999, REE distribution between aqueous liquid and water-saturated CO2 gas at 140 °C and 4 bar: European Union of Geosciences EUG10 Strasbourg, 28 March-1 April 1999 (?).
- Möller, P., Conrad, M., Özgür, N., and Morteani, G., 1999, REE and Y partitioning between water-saturated CO2 and liquid at about 100 °C and 3 bars: Berichte d. DMG, H. 1, p. 159.
- Özgür, N., 2012, A new genetical copper deposit model from the East Pontic metallotect, NE Turkey: the Murgul type. 34th International Geological Congress, Brisbane, Australia, p. 1291.
- Özgür,N., Platevoet, B., Elitok, Ö,, Scaillet, S., Guuillou, H., Yagmurlu, F. and A. Poisson, 2009, A possible volcanic hazard risk deduced from recent activity of the Gölcük volcano, SW Turkey, Geophysical Research Abstracts (2009),11
- Özgür, N., 2009, Genetical Modelling of the Epithermal Hg Deposit of Haliköy, Sb Deposit of Emirli and Au Deposit of Küre in the Rift Zone of the Küçük Menderes, Western Anatolia, Turkey, Goldschmidt2009, Geochimica et Cosmochimica (june 2009), 73 (135): A982
- Özgür, N., Platevoet, B. , Elitok, Ö., Scaillet, S., Guillou, H., Yağmurlu, F., Poisson, A. and Yılmaz, K., 2008, A possible volcanic hazard risk deduced from recent activity of the Gölcük volcano, SW Turkey Turkey: submitted to 33nd International Geological Congress, Resumes,33.
- Özgür, N. and Demer, S., 2007, Active and fossil geothermal systems in the continental rift zones of the Menderes Massif, Western Anatolia, Turkey: Internat. 12th Symp. on Water-Rock Interaction (WRI-12), Kumming, Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti, 31 Temmuz- 5 Ağustos 2007
- Özgür, N., Graf, W., Stichler, W. and Wolf, M., 2003, Origin of high sulfade contents in the thermal waters of Kızıldere and environs, Western Anatolia, Turkey: International Symposium on Isotope Hydrology and Integrated Water Resources Management, Vienna, Austria, 19-23 May, 2003, Book of extended synopses, p. 363.
- Özgür, N. and Yaman, D., 2002, Pollution of the Büyük Menderes river waters by high boron contents in the thermal waters of Kızıldere and environs, western Anatolia, Turkey: International Conference on the Environmental Problems of the Mediterranean Region, 12-15 April 2002, Near East University, Nicosia, TRNC, p.49.
- Özgür, N., Altınkale, S., Karagüzel, R., Yaman, D., Wolf, M. and Stichler, W., 2002, Monitoring of the water quality in the lake district, SW Turkey: International Conference on the Environmental Problems of the Mediterranean Region, 12-15 April 2002, Near East University, Nicosia, TRNC, p. 36.
- Özgür, N., 2001, Mantle-derived basic towards acidic alkaline volcanic rocks of Gölcük within the Isparta angle, SW-Turkey: an update of prevailing data: Proc. 4th Internat. Symp. on Mediterranean Geology, Isparta, Turkey, 21-25 May, 2001, p.82.
- Özgür, N., Karagüzel, R., Ertunç, A., Altınkale, S., Yaman, D., Zerener, M., Stichler, W. and Wolf, M., 2001, Hydrogeochemical and isotope geochemical features and comparison of the groundwaters of the Eğirdir and Burdur lakes area: an update of preliminary studies: Proc. 4th Internat. Symp. on Mediterranean Geology, Isparta, Turkey, 21-25 May, 2001, p. 142.
- Özgür, N., Graf, W., Stichler, W., and Wolf, M., 2001, Origin of the high sulfate contents in thermal waters of Kizildere and environs, Western Anatolia, Turkey: Proc. 4th Internat. Symp. on Mediterranean Geology, Isparta, Turkey, 21-25 May, 2001, p.93
- Özgür, N., and Zerener, M., 2001, A new genetical ore formation model as a transition from Kuroko-type massive sulfide deposits to copper porphyries in the East Pontic metallotect, NE Turkey: Proc. 4th Internat. Symp. on Mediterranean Geology, Isparta, Turkey, 21-25 May, 2001, p.146.
- Özgür, N. and Yaman, D., 2001, Hydrogeochemistry of the geothermal areas of Seferihisar in the (İzmir-Ankara) ophiolite-zone, Turkey: Proc. 4th Internat. Symp. on Mediterranean Geology, Isparta, Turkey, 21-25 May, 2001, p.96.
- Özgür, N., Karagüzel, R., Demer(Altınkale), S., Yaman, D., Wolf, M. and Stichler, W., 2000, Tectonic evolution of the Egirdir and Burdur lakes and their hydrogeochemical and isotope geocemical comparison: preliminary studies: Internat. Earth Sci. Colloq. on the Aegean Region, IESCA 2000 (Abstracts), 25-29 September 2000, İzmir-Turkey, p. 215.
- Özgür, N., 2000, Active and fossil geothermal systems in the continental rift zones of the Menderes Massif, Western Anatolia, Turkey: 31st International Geological Congres, Resumes 31.
- Özgür, N., 1999, Subaerial and subaquatic volcanogenic massif sulfide deposits (VMSD) in the East Pontic metallotect, NE Turkey: Models of volcanic-sedimentary ore-forming systems, 7-10 June 1999, St. Petersburg, Russia (?).
- Özgür, N., Pekdeger, A., Graf, W., Stichler, W., and Wolf, M., 1998, Origin of the high sulfate contents in thermal waters of Kizildere and environs, Western Anatolia, Turkey: 3rd Internat. Turkish Geology Symp., 31 August - 4 September, 1998, Ankara, p. 141.
- Özgür, N., Vogel, M., Pekdeger, A., Halbach, P., and Skala, W., 1998, Geochemical, hydrogeochemical, and isotope geochemical signatures of the thermal field of Kizildere in the continental rift zone of the Büyük Menderes, Western Anatolia, Turkey: 3rd Internat. Turkish Geology Symp., 31 August - 4 September, 1998, Ankara, p. 144.
- Özgür, N., Gallo, A., and Pekdeger, A., 1998, Origin of the high boron contents in the thermal waters of the rift zones of the Menderes Massif, Western Anatolia, Turkey: 3rd Internat. Turkish Geology Symp., 31 August - 4 September, 1998, Ankara, p. 145.
- Özgür, N., Pekdeger, A., Wolf, M., Stichler, W., and Seiler, K.-P., 1997, Hydrogeochemical and isotope geochemical features of the thermal waters of Kizildere, Salavatli, and Germencik in the rift zone of Büyük Menderes, western Anatolia, Turkey: Internat. Symp. on Geology and Environment, September 1-5, 1997, Istanbul, p. 47
- Özgür, N., 1997, Subvolcanic-hydrothermal copper deposit of Murgul in the East Pontic metallotect, NE Turkey: a new genetic ore formation model: SEG Field Conference 1997, May 11-14, 1997, Lisbon, Portugal, p. 43.
- Özgür, N., Pekdeger, A., Wolf, M., Stichler, W., and Seiler, K.-P., 1997, Hydrogeochemical and isotope geochemical features of the thermal waters of Kizildere, Salavatli, and Germencik in the rift zone of Büyük Menderes, western Anatolia, Turkey: Internat. Symp. on Geology and Environment, September 1-5, 1997, Istanbul, p. 47.
- Özgür, N., Pekdeger, A., and Schneider, H.-J., 1996, Genesis and magmatic evolution of the Pliocene volcanism in the Gölcük area, SW Turkey: 30th International Geological Congress, vol. 2, p. 357.
- Özgür, N. and Pekdeger, A., 1996, Active geothermal systems in the rift zones of the Menderes Massif, western Anatolia, Turkey: 30th International Geological Congress, vol. 3, p. 288.
- Özgür, N., Pekdeger, A., Möller, P., Gallo, A. and Giese, L., 1995, High boron concentrations in the geothermal waters of the rift zones of Menderes Massif, Western Anatolia, Turkey: International Earth Sciences Congress on Aegean Regions (IESCA), Izmir/Turkey, p. 43
- Özgür, N. and Pekdeger, A., 1994, The evolution of the Pliocene volcanism in the Gölcük area, SW Turkey: Internat. Volcanolog. Congr. (IAVCEI) (without number), Ankara, 1p.
- Özgür, N. and Pekdeger, A., 1994, Active geothermal systems in the rift zones in the Menderes Massif, Western Anatolia, Turkey: The 9th Symposium of International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits, v. 2, p. 575.
- Özgür, N., 1994, Extinct geothermal systems in the rift zones of the Menderes Massif, western Anatolia, Turkey: The 9th Symposium of International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits, v. 2, p. 579-580.
- Özgür, N., Pekdeger, A., and Schneider, H-J., 1992, High fluorine contents of the Pliocene volcanic rocks in the Gölcük area, Isparta/western Taurides: 6th Congress Geol. Soc. Greece, Athens, Greece, p. 83.
- Özgür, N., 1992, Geochemical pathfinder elements of the Murgul copper deposit in the East Pontic metallotect, NE Turkey: 29th Internat. Geol. Congress, Kyoto/Japan, Vol. 3/3, p. 771.
- Özgür, N., Pekdeger, A., Schneider, H.-J. and Bilgin, A., 1990, Pliocene volcanism in the Gölcük area, Isparta/W-Taurides: Internat. Earth Sci. Congress on Aegean Regions, 1-6 October 1990, Izmir/Turkey, p. 215
- Pavlides, S., Chatzipetros, A., Michailidou, Yağmurlu, F., Özgür, N., Kamacı, Z. and Şentürk, M., 2009, Geological indications for active deformation along Fethiye and Gökova faults, SW Turkey, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 11, EGU 2009-13421.
- Pekdeger, A., Özgür, N., Schneider, H.-J., and Bilgin, A., 1990, High fluorine contents in aqueous systems of the Gölcük area, Isparta/W-Taurides: Inter¬nat. Earth Sci. Congress on Aegean regions, 1-6 October 1990, Izmir/Turkey, p. 48-49.
- Pekdeger, A., Özgür, N., Vogel, M., Kowski, P. and Trittin, R., 1995, Hydrogeochemical and isotopic signatures of the geothermal system Kizildere, Western Anatolia, Turkey: International Earth Sciences Congress on Aegean Regions (IESCA), Izmir/Turkey, p. 44.
- Platevoet, B., Scaillet, S., Guillou, H., Nomade, S., Blamart, D., Poisson, A., Elitok, Ö., Özgür, N., Yagmurlu, F. and Yılmaz, K., 2007, Pleistocene explosive activity of the Gölcük volcano, Isparta angle, Turkey: EGU, Vienna (accepted).
- Platevoet, B., Scaillet, S., Guillou, H., Nomade, S., Blamart, D., Poisson, A., Elitok, Ö., Özgür, N., Yagmurlu, F. and Yılmaz, K., 2006, Recent plinian and phreato-plinian activity of Gölcük volcano, Isparta angle, Turkey: Communication of the French Geological Society: Tephras and Quaternary Sequences Symposium, 6th November 2006, Paris
- Schneider, H.-J., and Özgür, N., 1985, Genetically contradictory ore fabrics of the copper deposit of Murgul, NE Turkey: Fortschr. d. Mineralogie, B. 3, H. 1, p. 211.
- Tudryn, A., Thodiard, E., Tucholka, P., Elitok, Ö., Kamacı, Z., Massault, M., Poisson, A., Özgür, N. ve Platevoet, B., 2010, Environmental changes for last 2000 years recorded in sediments of Lake Burdur, Turkey. preliminary studies. Balwois 2010, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 25-29 May 2010.
- Yaman, D. ve Özgür, N., 2006, Water-rock interaction of the thermal field of Kızıldere, Western Turkey: III International Scientific and Practical Conference, Baku, 6-7 July 2006.
- Yıldırım, B. and Özgür, N., Hydrogeological, hydrogeochemical and isotope geochemical features of the geothermal waters in Kurşunlu, western Anatolia, Turkey. 15th Water-Rock Interaction International Symposium, WRI-15,16 to 21 October 2016, Evora-Portugal, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science(in press)
- Yılmaz, E. E. and Özgür, N., Hydrogeological, hydrogeochemical and isotope geochemical features of geothermal waters in Tekkehamam and environs, western Anatolia, Turkey. 15th Water-Rock Interaction International Symposium, WRI-15,16 to 21 October 2016, Evora-Portugal, Procedia Earth and Planetary Science(in press)
- Vogel, M., Özgür, N., and Pekdeger, A., 1997, A new type of hydrothermal alteration in the geothermal field of Kizildere in the rift zone of the Büyük Menderes, western Anatolia, Turkey: Internat. Symp. on Geology and Environment, September 1-5, 1997, Istanbul, p. 58.
- Willgallis, A., Özgür, N., and Siegmann, E., 1989, Microprobe study of Se- and Te-containing complex ore of the copper deposit Murgul, NE Turkey: Geol. Soc. Turk., p. 8.
- Yağmurlu, F., Özgür, N., Pavlides, S., Chatzipetros, A., Kamacı, Z., Pınar, A., Şentürk, M., Uysal,K. and Şener, E., 2008, Seismotectonic features of Aegean-Peloponnisos plate and the position of the Burdur-Fethiye Fault Zone, SW Turkey: 33nd International Geological Congress, Resumes 33, Oslo.
- Yaman, D. ve Özgür, N., 2006, Water-rock interaction of the thermal field of Kızıldere, Western Turkey: III International Scientific and Practical Conference, Baku, 6-7 July 2006.
- Yaman, D. ve Özgür, N. Kızıldere ve çevresi jeotermal alanının hidrojeolojik, hidrojeokimyasal ve izotop jeokimyasal özellikleri, II. Ulusal Hidrojeolojide İzotop Teknikleri Sempozyumu, DSİ, 26-30 Eylül 2005, Gümüldür, İzmir.
- Zerener, M., Özgür, N. and Elitok, Ö., 2007, A new genetical ore formation model as a transition from Kuroko-type massive sulfide deposits to copper porphyries in the East Pontic metallotect, NE Turkey: Proc. Internat. 12th Symp. on Water-Rock Interaction (WRI-12), Kunming, Çin Halk Cumhuriyeti, 31 Temmuz- 5 Ağustos 2007
2.2 Ulusal
- Bilgin, A., Özgür, N. and Yağmurlu, F., 1999, Isparta Gölcük volkaniklerinin kökeni ve gelişimi, GB Türkiye: SDÜ, Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi, 11th Engineering Weeks, Symposium on the Earth Sciences, October 20-23, 1999, Isparta-Turkey, p. 55.
- Çalışkan, T. A. ve Özgür, N., 2013, Isparta kuzeyinde Eosen yaşlı birimler içinde yeralan kil yataklarının jeolojik, mineralojik ve jeokimyasal özelliklerinin araştırılması. 66. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı, p. ?????
- Çalışkan, T. A. ve Özgür, N., 2013, Gölcük (Isparta) ve yakın çevresi yeraltısularının yüksek flüor içeriklerinin kökeni. 2. Tıbbi Jeoloji Çalıştayı Bildiriler Kitabı, p. 135-137.
- Demer, S. ve Özgür, N., 2010. Isparta ovası su kalitesinin araştırılması: Isparta İli Değerleri ve Değer Yaratma Potansiyeli Sempozyumları, 26 Nisan-3 Mayıs 2010, 382-393, Isparta.
- Demer (Altınkale), S., Memiş, Ü ve Özgür, N., 2012. Asit maden drenaj sularının çevresel etkileri: Emirli antimon yatağı örneği, Batı Türkiye: 65. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı, 2-6 Nisan 2012, Ankara, 160-161 s.
- Demer (Altınkale), S., Memiş, Ü ve Özgür, N., 2012. Jeotermal suların farklı yöntemlerle rezervuar sıcaklıklarının karşılaştırılması: Sandıklı-Afyon örneği: Uluslararası katılımlı V. Jeokimya Sempozyumu, 23-25 Mayıs 2012, Denizli, p. 215-216.
- Karagüzel, R., Özgür, N., Ertunç, A., Stichler, W. and Wolf, M., 1999, Eğirdir ve Burdur Göllerinin oluşumu, hidrojeokimyasal ve izotopjeokimyasal karşılaştırılması: ilk araştırmalar: SDÜ, Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi, 11th Engineering Weeks, Symposium on the Earth Sciences, October 20-23, 1999, Isparta-Turkey, p.16.
- Memiş, Ü., Demer, S. ve Özgür, N., 2011. Hüdai (Sandıklı-Afyon) jeotermal sisteminin çevresel etkileri GB Türkiye: 64. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı, Bildiri Özleri, 5-9 Nisan 2010, Ankara, 60-61.
- Özgür, N. ve Çalışkan, T. A., 2014, Gölcük (Isparta) volkanizmasının tekrar aktif olması riski: 67. Türkiye Jeoloji Kurultayı Bildiri Özleri Kitabı, p. 202-203.
- Özgür, N., Demer (Altınkale), S., Yaman, D., Yousefi Rad ve Ergün, G., Belek, Patara ve Kekova özel çevre koruma bölgelerinde su kirliliği izlenmesi: Enfeksiyon Yoluyla Bulaşan Hastalıklar Sempozyumu, Mersin Üniversitesi, Haziran 2005.
- Özgür, N., Demer, S. and Türk, G., 2005, Göller bölgesi su kaynaklarının belirlenmesi, değerlendirilmesi ve kalitesinin korunması: Türkiye Tabiatın Koruma Derneği, Antalya.
- Özgür, N., Pekdeger, A., Wolf, M., Stichler, W., and Seiler, K.-P., 1997, Hydrogeochemical and isotope geochemical features of the thermal waters of Kizildere, Salavatli, and Germencik in the rift zone of Büyük Menderes, western Anatolia, Turkey: Internat. Symp. on Geology and Environment, September 1-5, 1997, Istanbul, p. 47.
- Özgür, N. and Pekdeger, A., 1994, The evolution of the Pliocene volcanism in the Gölcük area, SW Turkey: Internat. Volcanolog. Congr. (IAVCEI) (without number), Ankara, 1p.
- Özgür, N., 1997, Hydrogeochemical and isotope geochemical features of the thermal waters of Kizildere, Salavatli, and Germencik in the rift zone of Büyük Menderes, western Anatolia, Turkey: Cukurova Üniversitesinde Jeoloji Mühendisligi Egitiminin 20 Yili Sempozyumu, 30 April-3 May, 1997, Adana, Turkey, p. 266.
- Özgür, N., Pekdeger, A., and Bilgin, A., 1991, Origin of the high fluorine contents in aqueous systems of the Gölcük area, Isparta/W-Taurides: Göller Bölgesi Tatli Su Kaynaklarinin Korunmasi ve Cevre Sorunlari Sempozyumu, 3-5 Haziran 1991/Isparta, p. 25.
- Özgür, N., 1990, Gold contents of the Akarsen copper deposit, E-Pontides/Turkey: Isparta (Turkey) Isparta Mühendislik Fakültesi, p. 35.
- Özgür, N., Thum, I. and Dieterle, M., 1990, The East Pontic metallotect, NE Turkey: Isparta Mühendislik Fakültesi, p. 34
- Özgür, N., 1989, Geochemical proximity indicators of the volcanic-hosted copper deposit Murgul, East Pontic metallogenetic province, NE Turkey: Geol. Soc. Turk., without page number.
- Özgür, N., 1987, Geochemistry, genesis, and proximity indicators of the copper deposit Murgul: Geol. Soc. Turk., p. 30-31.
- Yaman, D. ve Özgür, N. 2005, Kızıldere ve çevresi jeotermal alanının hidrojeolojik, hidrojeokimyasal ve izotop jeokimyasal özellikleri, II. Ulusal Hidrojeolojide İzotop Teknikleri Sempozyumu, DSİ, 26-30 Eylül 2005, Gümüldür, İzmir.
- Willgallis, A., Özgür, N., and Siegmann, E., 1989, Microprobe study of Se- and Te-containing complex ore of the copper deposit Murgul, NE Turkey: Geol. Soc. Turk., p. 8.
2.3 Çağrılı Bildiriler
- Özgür, N., Akçil, A. U., Demer, S., Yaman, D., Rad, A. Y. and Ergün, G., 2006, Water pollution monitoring project for specially protected areas in the eastern Mediterranean Sea: Technical University of Berlin, Almanya
- Özgür, N., Akçil, A. U., Demer, S., Yaman, D., Rad, A. Y. and Ergün, G., 2006, Water pollution monitoring project for specially protected areas in the eastern Mediterranean Sea: Paris Sud 11 Üniversitesi, Fransa
- Özgür, N., Lakes Region (LR - Turkey) Determination, Evaluation of Water Sources, Protection of Quality. Batı Akdeniz Doğa Bilimleri Sempozyumu, Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi, Burdur
- Özgür, N., 2003, Isparta ve çevresinin su kalitesinin korunması. Isparta Valiliği İl Çevre ve Orman Müdürlüğü (Dünya Çevre Günü).
- Özgür, N., 1991, Geochemical pathfinder elements of the copper deposit Murgul, NE Turkey: Akdeniz Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Isparta.
- Özgür, N., 1991, Gölcük bölgesi sığ sulu sistemdeki flüor’ün hidrojeokimyası: Akdeniz Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Isparta.
- Özgür, N., 1991, High gold contents of the Akarşen copper deposit, NE Turkey: Akdeniz Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Isparta.
- Özgür, N., 1991, Massive sulfide deposits in the East Pontic metallotect, NE Turkey: Akdeniz Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Isparta.
- Özgür, N., 1991, Pliocene volcanism of the Gölcük area, SW Turkey: Akdeniz Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Isparta.
- Özgür, N., 1991, High fluorine contents in shallow aqueous systems of the Gölcük area, SW Turkey: Akdeniz Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Isparta.
- Özgür, N., 1991, Masif sülfit yatakları: Akdeniz Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Isparta.
- Özgür, N., 1991, Relationship between alteration, mineralization, and rare earth element distribution of the copper deposit Murgul, NE Turkey: Akdeniz Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Isparta.
- Özgür, N., 1992, Altın yataklarının sınıflandırılması ve dünyada tipik örnekleri: Çukurova Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, Isparta.
- Özgür, N., 1992, Origin of the high fluorine contents in shallow aqueous systems of the Gölcük area, SW Turkey: Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü.
- Özgür, N., 1996, Aktive und fossile Geothermalsysteme in den kontinentalen Riftzonen des Menderes-Massives, W-Anatolien/Türkei: Technische Universität Berlin, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften.
- Özgür, N., 1997, Aktive und fossile Geothermalsysteme in den kontinentalen Riftzonen des Menderes-Massives, W-Anatolien/Türkei: Technische Universität Clausthal, Fachbereich Geowissenschaften.
- Özgür, N., Altınkale, S. and Türk, G., 2003, Göller bölgesi su kaynaklarının belirlenmesi, değerlendirilmesi ve kalitesinin korunması: Dünya Çevre Günü, 5 Haziran 2003, Eğirdir-Isparta.
- Özgür. N., Altınkale, S. and Türk, G., 2004, Göller bölgesi su kaynaklarının belirlenmesi, değerlendirilmesi ve kalitesinin korunması: Antalya.
- Özgür, N., 2006, Jeotermal enerji ve kullanımı: Aydın Nesil Çevre Eğitim ve Kültür Derneği, Aydın.
- Özgür, N., Akçil, A. U., Demer, S., Yaman, D., Rad, A. Y. and Ergün, G., 2006, Water pollution monitoring project for specially protected areas in the eastern Mediterranean Sea: Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana
- Plıocene volcanism in the Gölcük area, SW Turkey: Paris Sud 11 Üniversitesi, Fransa
3. Diğerleri
- Buness, H., Giese, P., Özgür, N., Rahders, E., Schneider, H.-J. and Schwarz, G., 1988, Bericht über Ergebnisse der geochemischen und geophysikalischen Prospektion im Raum Lind (Kärnten): Field guide report, Freie Universität Berlin, 26 p
- Özgür, N., Winkler, A., Halbach, P., Pekdeger, A. and Rahders, E., 1998, Exkursionsverlaufsbericht zur regionalgeologischen, hydrogeologischen und rohstoffgeologischen Exkursion in Westanatolien, Türkei: Freie Universität Berlin (in prep.)
- Özgür, N., Winkler, A., Halbach, P., Pekdeger, A. and Rahders, E., 1998, Regionalgeologische, hydrogeologische und rohstoffgeologische Exkursion in Westanatolien, Türkei: Field guide book, Freie Universität Berlin, 161 p
- Özgür, N., 1998, Aktive und fossile Geothermalsysteme in den kontinentalen Riftzonen des Menderes-Massives, W-Anatolien/Türkei: Scientific research report, Freie Universität Berlin, 171 p.
- Özgür, N., Pekdeger, A. and Woith, H., 1995, Exkursionsverlaufsbericht zur hydrogeologischen Exkursion in der NW-Türkei: Freie Universität Berlin, 60 p
- Özgür, N., Halbach, P. and Pekdeger, A., 1995, Exkursionsverlaufsbericht zur rohstoffgeologischen, hydrogeologischen und baugrundgeologischen Exkursion in W-, N-, NE- und Zentralanatolien/Türkei:, Freie Universität Berlin (in prep.).
- Özgür, N., Halbach, P. and Pekdeger, A., 1995, Rohstoffgeologische, hydrogeologische und baugrundgeologische Exkursion in W-, N-, NE- und Zentralanatolien/Türkei: Field guide book, Freie Universität Berlin, 176 p.
- Özgür, N., Pekdeger, A. and Woith, H., 1994, Hydrogeologische Exkursion in der NW-Türkei: Field guide book, Freie Universität Berlin, 129 p.
- .Özgür, N., Halbach, P. and Pekdeger, A., 1994, Exkursionsverlaufsbericht zur rohstoffgeologischen und hydrogeologischen Exkursion in W-Anatolien, Türkei: Freie Universität Berlin, 75 p.
- Özgür, N., Halbach, P., and Pekdeger, A., 1993, Rohstoffgeologische und hydrogeologische Exkursion in W-Anatolien/Türkei: Field guide book, Freie Universität Berlin, 178 p.
- Özgür, N., 1985, Zur Geochemie und Genese der Kupferlagerstätte Murgul, E-Pontiden/Türkei: Ph.D. thesis, 139 p., Freie Universität Berlin.
- Özgür, N., 1977, Geologisch-lagerstättenkundliche Untersuchungen über Antimonitvorkommen von Emirli im südlichen Teil von (Kücük Menderes Graben-Zone): Diplom thesis, Ege Üniversitesi, Izmir/Türkei, 61 p.(in Turkish).
- Pekdeger, A., Schneider, H.-J. and Özgür, N., 1992, Zur Hydrogeochemie von Fluorid und die Gesteinsgeochemie in der Provinz Isparta/Türkei: DFG-Scientific research report, 53 p., Freie Universität Berlin.